Godmer Immigration Consultant

Embark on Your Entrepreneurial Journey in Canada

Why Canada is Your Next Business Destination?
Why Canada is Your Next Business Destination?

Thriving Startup Ecosystem

Discover the energy of Canada's startup scene, with Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary leading as global innovation hubs. Benefit from a robust network of incubators, accelerators, and venture capitalists ready to nurture your venture.

Economic Resilience

Build on solid ground within Canada's stable economy. Entrepreneurs find a welcoming environment bolstered by a strong banking system and diverse market opportunities.

Unmatched Quality of Life

Canada ranks at the top for living standards. Excellent healthcare, education, and a commitment to diversity and inclusion await you and your family.

Why Choose Canada?

Embrace the entrepreneurial spirit in a country that champions innovation, offers a superior quality of life, and opens gateways to global markets. Canada isn't just a place to do business; it's where your business can truly flourish. Whether you're starting up or scaling up, Canada is your platform for global success.

Why Choose Canada?

Embrace the entrepreneurial spirit in a country that champions innovation, offers a superior quality of life, and opens gateways to global markets. Canada isn't just a place to do business; it's where your business can truly flourish. Whether you're starting up or scaling up, Canada is your platform for global success.

Embark on Your Canadian Venture Today

Ready to make Canada home to your next successful enterprise? The journey starts now. Dive into an ecosystem that supports your ambitions and watch your business soar on the global stage.

C-11 Work Permit

TheC-11 work permit, also known as the "Entrepreneur Work Permit" under the Canadian immigration framework, is specifically designed for entrepreneurs who wish to start or operate a business in Canada. This work permit is part of Canada's efforts to attract foreign entrepreneurs who can contribute to the Canadian economy by creating jobs and promoting innovation. Here are detailed aspects of the C-11 work permit:

 Key Aspects of the C-11 Work Permit

Diverse Business Owner Categories

Whether you're contemplating a temporary business shift as a self-employed individual or aiming to initiate or manage a business for provincial nomination or under the federal Start-up Business Class, the C-11 encompasses your needs.

Self-Employed vs. Entrepreneur

Embarking solo or on an empire-building journey? The C-11 category differentiates self-employed individuals, typically running family businesses, from entrepreneurs who embrace higher risks and expand their team beyond family members.

Work Experience & Its Relevance

It's important to note that work experience as a self-employed person or entrepreneur does not qualify under the Canadian Experience Class.

LMIA Exemption Code C11

This exemption code is your passageway to enter Canada and establish a business that contributes significant benefits. If you don't meet the specific criteria for C11, the broader LMIA exemption code C10 may be an alternative route.

Eligibility &

The C-11 work permit stipulates the necessity for your work to be temporary or seasonal and to deliver substantial benefits to Canadian society, requiring clear intentions and well-laid plans.

Ownership & Documentary Evidence

Essential to the process is holding at least a 50% stake in your business and proving the temporary nature of your stay in Canada.

Work Permit

Work permits are typically granted for up to 12months, reflecting the temporary nature of your business activities in Canada. An extension beyond 12 months may be considered if the applicant provides a definitive plan for transitioning away from business management.

Significant Benefit Assessment

A key evaluation criterion is how your business will benefit Canadian or permanent resident workers.

Business Nature & Intentions

The type of your business and your intentions for a temporary stay in Canada are critically assessed.


Insummary, the C-11 work permit is an essential tool for entrepreneurs looking toestablish a business presence in Canada. It not only facilitates theimmigration process for business owners but also supports Canada's economicdevelopment by attracting foreign investment and talent.

The C-11 work permit is temporary, and entrepreneurs will need to transition to permanent residency through other programs, such as the Start-Up Visa Program, to stay in Canada indefinitely.

Success in obtaining theC-11 work permit depends heavily on the quality of the business plan and the entrepreneur's ability to demonstrate how their business will benefit Canada.

Start-Up Visa Program

The Start-Up Visa Program in Canada is a federal immigration program designed to attract innovative entrepreneurs worldwide, offering them the opportunity to establish new businesses in Canada. Successful applicants and their immediate families can obtain permanent residency in Canada, provided their business venture meets specific criteria. Here's a summary of the program

Eligibility Criteria

Innovative Business Idea

Applicants must propose a business idea that is innovative, viable, and capable of competing on a global scale.

Support from Designated Organizations

Entrepreneurs must secure a commitment from one of the program's designated organizations, which include venture capital funds, angel investor groups, or business incubators.

Language Proficiency

Applicants must demonstrate intermediate proficiency in English or French (CLB 5 in speaking, reading, listening, and writing).

Sufficient Settlement Funds

Entrepreneurs are required to demonstrate sufficient funds to sustain them selves and their dependents upon arriving in Canada with Permanent Resident status, as well as during the period they reside under a work permit while their Permanent Resident application is being processed.

Key Features

Collaboration with Designated Organizations

Entrepreneurs are required to work with Canadian organizations that are part of the program, ensuring they receive the necessary support and resources to grow their business.

Pathway to Permanent Residency

The program provides a direct route to permanent residency for the entrepreneur and their family.

Support for Multiple Co-Founders

Up to five entrepreneurs can apply as part of the same business proposal, increasing the program's flexibility and accessibility.


In summary, Canada's Start-Up Visa Program is an innovative immigration pathway designed for entrepreneurs with the vision and potential to build businesses in Canada that are innovative, can create jobs for Canadians, and can compete on a global scale.

Economic Growth

The program aims to stimulate economic growth by attracting entrepreneurs who can create jobs and foster innovation in Canada.

Global Talent Attraction

By offering a straight forwardpath to permanent residency, the program seeks to make Canada a top destination for talented entrepreneurs worldwide.

Diverse Business Opportunities

Entrepreneurs have the freedom to develop their businesses across various sectors, contributing to Canada's economic diversity and competitiveness.

Provincial Nominee Programs

Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) are immigration programs operated by Canada's provinces and territories in partnership with the federal government. These programs allow individual provinces and territories to nominate candidates for permanent residence in Canada based on their specific economic, labor market, and demographic needs.

Each province and territory in Canada(except for Quebec, which has its own immigration system) has its own PNP with unique eligibility criteria and streams. These streams are designed to target specific categories of immigrants, such as skilled workers, entrepreneurs, investors, and other individuals who can contribute to the local economy and community.

The PNP process typically involves two main steps

Provincial Nomination

Candidates interested in immigrating toa specific province or territory must first apply to the respective PNP. If they meet the criteria and are nominated by the province, they receive a Provincial Nomination Certificate.

Permanent Residence Application

With the Provincial Nomination Certificate, candidates can then apply for permanent residence to the federal government through Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada(IRCC). The federal government assesses applicants for admissibility factors like health, security, and criminality before granting permanent resident status.

Provincial Nominee Programs are an important part of Canada's immigration system because they allow provinces and territories to address their unique labor market needs and demographic challenges. They also help distribute new immigrants more evenly across the country, encouraging economic development in regions outside major urban centers like Toronto and Vancouver.